Tata Power's inception nine decades ago is a unique saga of the Founder's vision to provide clean energy to the city of Mumbai with minimal impact on the environment. Today, in its quest to deliver clean energy, Tata Power is focusing on building a robust renewable energy portfolio, scouting for clean sources of power, reducing the carbon footprint and investing in cleaner technologies and global resources. While, we have ambitious growth plans, we are committed to 'responsible growth'.
The time is right to lead the reform process for clean and green energy through actions and proactive initiatives that live up to the promises already made. Tata Power is committed to 'lighting up lives' for generations to come.
The concept of 'Greenolution' is not preachy, rather participative. Thus, through Greenolution, Tata Power will put efforts/practices/programmes that infuse the belief of sustainability as a 'movement', by making all stakeholders and the public at large, a part of it.
For more information on Tata Power and its several ongoing energy conservation initiatives please visit www.tatapower.com